A web server for discriminating the cell types and subtypes of stem cells and somatic cells

A web server for discriminating the cell types and subtypes of stem cells and somatic cells

Recently I applied the hub identification concept from systems network theory to identify biomarkers and established an efficient system to discriminate the cell types and subtypes, A Quantitative System for Discriminating Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Embryonic Stem Cells and Somatic Cells . This system assumes that users do not have any background info of their cells for testing and they only have DNA methylation level data on given loci. The system would tell users the cell type and subtype info after running tests. Many computational works need to be done to reach that point.  To make the system practical, I have also developed a web service using Linux-based Apache server to make it easy applied to daily works without requiring any computational programming. This web service only requires the testing data (e.g. DNA methylation % level data) via uploading online and the computer software automatically takes care of the analysis and provides users the final results including the cell type and subtype info, figures and tables that detail the discrimination accuracy. The discrimination system and the web service would be expended to other areas like human diseases in the near future. I hope the web service available soon for public users once I find a way to support the server running. Keep checking if interested! Now avaialble http://www.janywa.org/software/wctds/

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